Saturday, April 24, 2010

Days 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, & 112

Day 107 - Hidden Face

Day 108 - Balance

Day 109 - Broken

Day 110 -Bad Dream

Day 111 -Journey

Day 112 -Remembrance

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 104, 105, & 106

Day 104 - Red Panda

Day 105 - Nature

Day 106 - Legacy
These artist trading cards (ATCs) are all paper collages.  While some might say that collage is not "art", I totally disagree.  I spend just as much time on these as I would on an actual drawing/painting.

These are all ATCs that I submitted in the 2010 Project ATC 365.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I WON! April Prize Package on Naked Heart Art Studio

 4 - 4 X 4 Canvas Panels from Dick Blick. Extraordinarily sturdy to resist warping.They are crafted from 5 oz 100% cotton canvas that is double primed and adhered with an acid-free adhesive. 1/8" Thick.
4- 4 X 4 Acrylic Chunky Blanks
4- 90lb Watercolor Twinchie Blanks
4-100lb Bristol Twinchie Blanks
4- 110ln Acrylic Twinchie Blanks
A bunch of acrylic Inchie Blanks
Assorted size and color craft paper

I am so excited!  I haven't won anything like this in a really, really long time.  Thank you Robby from Naked Heart Art Studio!  This all arrived today and made my day and made me smile!

My seven year old was jealous and wanted to know if she could use any of it.  Selfishly, I told her that I won this and I wanted to use them ALL! LOL

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, & 103 ATCs

 Day 98
 Day 99
 Day 100
 Day 101
 Day 102
Day 103

I haven't been in the blogging mood or really in any type of motivated mood in over a week.  So, when my friend came over for our play date, I was somewhat motivated and made 3 cards and did some work in my art journal.  Here are my artist trading cards for days 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, & 103.

These cards have all been included over at 2010 Project 365 on Naked Heart Arts Studio blog.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

2010 Project 365 100th Day Giveaway

We have now reached day 100 with our 2010 Project ATC 365 over at Naked Heart Art Studio Blog and this is your opportunity to win some of the amazing cards done by those artists who dedicate a piece of art everyday to this amazing project.  The rules are simple:

Ways to enter (or gain multiple entries:)
1) Comment on this blog posting with a way to contact you should you win.
2) Post a button about this contest on your blog and receive (2 additional entries.)
3) Post a link on your Facebook Page (Email me with a link to check this out.)
4) Post a link in your AFA (ATCsfor All) Signature Bar.
5) Post a button or a link on your Web Page. (You can use the image above for a button)
6) Post Link to your ATC Group on Flickr, Yahoo, Facebook etc.
7) Become a follower of the Naked Heart Art Studio Blog
Good luck and don't forget to go check out our artwork!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 96 - Monster

Monster - Card 0288
So, I was inspired by a fellow Project 365 ATC submitter with her awesome monster.  I am nowhere even in the same league with her, but I loved her monster so much I wanted to do my own.  Then, since I had already done a card for Day 96, I had to turn around and rearrange everything so this monster card showed up when hers did.

I just love being in Project 365 and seeing all of the talented artists and getting new ideas.  It is so much fun and I constantly go through my Unread Mail folder looking for today's post to see how all of the art has been arranged by our fearless leader!  You should stop by sometime and check us out!

This is Day 96's ATCs that I submitted in the 2010 Project ATC 365.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


You are The Moon

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.

The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Purple is My Favorite Color! I'm Blue?

You give your love and friendship unconditionally. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

While I agree with what this says; Blue is in NO way a favorite color of mine!

Day 97 - Flower Person

This is another card I did for a "Flower People" Swap.  Again, I did 3 main cards and then 1 for the hostess of the swap.  This was actually a fun swap.

I watercolored the background, drew the girl, collaged some paper, and then used markers to outline.  This was alot of work, but the 4 cards turned out rather well.

This is Day 96's ATCs that I submitted in the 2010 Project ATC 365.

Day 95 - Peacock

I am an avid bird watcher and love birds.  There are ugly birds, pretty birds, small birds, and large birds.  I sat on my front porch and watched a Red Robin trying to get the seeds on a bird feeder I put up this year that doesn't really have anything for the birds to perch on.

Last year my mom bought me the bird feeder for my birthday, but I didn't even think about it having something for the birds to perch on.  The Red Robin finally figured out how to sit on it to get a few seeds and then took it back to its partner that was sitting on a nearby tree stump.

I thought to myself, "where there is a will, there is a way"!

This is Day 95's ATCs that I submitted in the 2010 Project ATC 365.

Day 94 - Bunny 004

I participated in a "Bunches of Bunnies" swap this week and this is one of the four that I did!  It was pretty funny how the bunnies got smaller as I got down to the 4th one.  This is the first bunny I did, which took up most of the card.  I was excited to join this swap as I love bunnies and was reminded of how much my 14 year old loves them too.  She still has her "first" bunny from her "first" Easter.

That poor bunny is now tattered, naked, and looking pretty rough, but she will not throw it away.  When she was 2 she pretty much chewed apart the straw hat the bunny once had.  When we first bought the bunny it was so cute and had the cutest little dress.  After the dress was "done" my mom made like 2 outfits for it, but now that is gone too.

This is Day 94's ATCs that I submitted in the 2010 Project ATC 365.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 93 - Another Butterfly Postage Collage

This is another ATC that I made from a collage sheet I purchased from curiousdigital over on Etsy called "Butterfly Postage" and the paper used for the background came from oriental-japan over at eBay.  I just love their paper and this is part of the 2nd pack of paper I bought from them.

This is Day 93's ATCs that I submitted in the 2010 Project ATC 365.

Day 92 - Butterfly Postage Collage

This ATC was made from a collage sheet I purchased from curiousdigital over on Etsy called "Butterfly Postage".  The paper used for the background came from oriental-japan over at eBay.  I just love their paper and this is part of the 2nd pack of paper I bought from them.

Day 92 is when I found out that I won something over at the 2010 Project ATC 365 site.  Yay, I love winning even if I'm not sure what it is I won.  I guess I'll find out soon enough! 

This is Day 92's ATCs that I submitted in the 2010 Project ATC 365.

Day 91 - Timeless Travel

Just a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but mostly vintage!

This is Day 91's ATCs that I submitted in the 2010 Project ATC 365.

Day 90 - Japanese Geisha

I made this ATC from items I purchased such as "Geisha" vintage photos from curiousdigital over on Etsy and vintage "Asian" book pages from katieblue.

The background is from wallpaper samples that a friend of mine gave me.  I love the texture they provide, as well as the pretty designs.

This is Day 90's ATCs that I submitted in the 2010 Project ATC 365.

Day 89 - Cool

This particular card was made using some really "cool" stamps that I had back from my scrapbooking days.  Isn't the turtle cute?

The background is from a "thank you" card I received in one of my ATC trades.

This is Day 89's ATCs that I submitted in the 2010 Project ATC 365.


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